There is nothing more that helps change how people think, act and commit than the change of the quality of conversation.     The change of the conversation is the key for human minds to be free from the limitation of conventional ways of thinking to create the new path and innovation in the time of change that we all face now.

In the conversation at your daily work routine, in meetings and multi-stakeholder dialogs, do you see energy, creativity and hope?   Do you hear a sense of purpose and resolve?   Is there a willingness to speak uncomfortable truths and consider new perspectives?

INTEG offers process design and facilitation that helps leadership teams, boards, and multi-stakeholder groups collaborate in a way that results in not only smarter decisions but in a shared commitment to bring these decisions to fruition.

■ Creating an organization where the workers are autonomous and full of motivation.

■ Creating happier workplaces.

■ Creating an organization where the staffs feel proud to be contributing to the better future for themselves as well as to the earth.